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About Corporate Social Responsibilities of ACHF

Altum Credo Home Finance Private Limited ("ACHF") is a housing finance company registered under the National Housing Bank Act, 1987 and caters to long-term housing finance needs to economically weaker and low-income group segments who are generally underserved and unserved by formal financial institutes. ACHF in its journey has built a sustainable business model and created value for its stakeholders. As the Company emerges as a matured organisation, apart from its endeavour to serve the customers, ACHF has a focused approach towards contributing to the society at large. ACHF has an obligation to the society and is committed towards its social responsibilities in a meaningful manner in which it treats its customers, business associates, shareholders and employees.

ACHF being a corporate entity falling under the purview of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) read with the Companies (CSR Policy) Rules, 2014 (the Rules), constituted a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee ("CSR Committee") with the approval of the Board of Directors ("Board") on June 09, 2023, composition of which is as below:

S.No. Name of the Member Designation Status
1 Mr. Radhey Shyam Garg Independent Director Chairperson
2 Mr. Himanshu Joshi Independent Director Member
3 Mr. Anurag Agrawal Nominee Director Member
4 Mr. Avishek Addy Non-Executive Director Member
5 Mr. Vikrant Bhagwat Managing Director & CEO Member

The CSR Committee has in exercise of its authority and discharge of its responsibility, formulated a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy ("CSR Policy"). The CSR Policy of the Company is available on the website of the Company and can be accessed at CSR Policy.