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Home Loan Refinance

Repay friends or relatives easily with our hassle-free home loan refinancing.

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Repay money borrowed from individuals to build house

Loan Amount: ₹3 Lakhs to ₹12 Lakhs

Tenure: Minimum 2 years to Maximum 10 years

Refinance your home loan to reduce your EMI burden. Our refinance options are applicable for self-construction or new home purchases within the required time frame.

House with keys
  • Self-construction cases - The scheme is applicable wherein construction is complete and within the latest 12 months.
  • New Home purchase or Resale Purchase, it will be permitted within 6 months of the Date of Registration.
  • Disbursement will be mandatorily in favor of Applicant / Co-Applicants.
  • The scheme is applicable only at Approved Locations.
  • The scheme is not applicable for BT and MSME Products.
  • Completion Certificate from Government body/Certified Engineer is mandatory.
Loan Amount
  • The minimum loan amount under Home Loan Refinance is capped at Rs. 3 Lakhs. The maximum loan amount for the same goes up to Rs. 12 Lakhs.
  • The minimum tenure is 2 years and the maximum tenure offered under Home Loan Refinance is 10 years.